Our Values
What makes a church special? At Restoration Church, we believe the main ingredient in becoming a church that impacts lives is by being a community known for our love of God and one another. No matter your age, gender, ethnicity, background, or needs, you will encounter a place where you can be loved, accepted, and transformed!
We have three pillars that have become our aim, passion and highest priority:
1. A Joyful Expectation in Worship
Every time we gather together we believe God will meet us and do mighty things in our midst! Prayers will be answered, burdens will be lifted, bodies will be healed, relationships will be mended, wisdom will be released, and faith will be strengthened (Matthew 18:20; Hebrews 13:8)​
2. A Genuine Love for One Another
Nothing replaces being in relationship and community with others. Growing in our faith and becoming the best version of ourselves requires us doing life together. We need to enjoy being in fellowship, we need to care for one another's needs, we need to keep each other covered in prayer (Proverbs 27:17; Romans 12:10; Acts 2:46)
3. A Compassionate Evangelism in our Community
As we move throughout our everyday lives may the Holy Spirit give us God's heart and a deep compassion for the state of all people: from family members to neighbors to complete strangers. May we be moved to pray for the lost, be patient and understanding to each person's context, and operate with a greater level of love and boldness as we shine the light of Jesus (1 Peter 3:15; Colossians 4:6; Matthew 5:16)