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God is Greater

Jesus said, ‘You believe because I told you I saw you under the fig tree. You will see greater things than that.”- John 1:50

This is one of my favorite quotes from Jesus! It communicates there is more to come, and His promises release life at dimensions I cannot always fathom, and the world cannot take away.

In this moment Jesus makes a great “first impression” on a man named Nathanael. Upon hearing from his friend, Philip, that Jesus was worth meeting and could very well be the Messiah, Nathanael has a “wait and see” approach. That all changed when Jesus told Nathanael that He saw him and knew him before ever meeting face to face. As this WOW MOMENT causes Nathanael to believe, Jesus tells him to GET READY FOR MORE!

In these unprecedented days with all the unknowns, I believe that the Holy Spirit wants to remind us of what Jesus promised and the hope we have. Over the last few months, one of the things that seems to be sprouting up everywhere is a sense of doubt. Sadly, I have heard many believers utter words that are seasoned with negativity, uncertainty, and lack. I have heard people wonder out loud if church will ever be the same after COVID?; if relationships going so long without touch and time together will ever be able to recover?; if the economy is doomed to plummet because of all the shutdowns and loss of jobs?; if the State of California (or the nation for that matter), its leaders and laws, has veered so far off the rails that it will never be a place marked by goodness, fairness, and holiness? Nathanael, like us lived at a time of great uncertainty. When he first heard about Jesus he doubted, “Nazareth! Can anything good come from there?’ Philip answered, ‘Come and see” (John 1:46).

I am not saying we pretend everything is fine or that we are to avoid the very real issues we face in our world. Yet, I would like to be a Philip to you today and answer your question(s) with the simple words, “Come and See”.

Bring your doubts, needs, and problems to Jesus. I believe He will WOW YOU by bringing a change to your VOCABULARY and VIEWS! He wants our vocabulary to match His ability. Let’s speak in a way that sees our God in the GREATNESS of who He truly is and in the NEWNESS of what He can do, not in what we are facing or feeling at any given moment. In Romans 8:18 Paul says, “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” I want to move from a “what if?” talk to a “wait and see” trust, believing Jesus is willing and able to meet me there.

Our God is greater and can bring glorious things to every area of struggle, pain, lack and uncertainty we face! And when He does, He will get all the glory!!!


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