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The Immeasurables

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the day approaching.”- Hebrews 10:24-25

One of the best ways to find out what someone is passionate about is to listen when they talk. When a person is sharing, they provide clues that what you are hearing is a BIG DEAL…their eyes get big, their face lights up, the tone and volume of their voice changes. People get excited about different things: A person they love or admire; a new book or discovery made; a career path or leisure activity; music or sports; an upcoming trip or purchase they are about to make.

I LOVE THE CHURCH! I am passionate about being a part of a faith community that is committed to Jesus and one another. This passion has focused and steered me to over thirty years on staff in a local church with twenty plus years serving as a full-time pastor. I am super excited that THE CHURCH is this Sunday’s topic in our “It’s a Big Deal!” series. This special subject matter is even more meaningful based on all we have endured together over the last year with COVID-19, and because the Holy Spirit has produced a new and healthier source of joy in me when it comes to how I view and appreciate the Body and Bride of Jesus.

For far too long my excitement in church-life was contingent on numbers and feelings. I would rate a Sunday experience on total attendance, number of newcomers, size of the offering, or if something memorable happened. The Lord has showed me to measure success and satisfaction differently since returning to in-person gatherings. My focus and joy is now produced and pulsating when I hear a report of grace and breakthrough happening in someone’s life; I connect with others to talk or meet with a small group to pray and grow; I sense our church family is living out its core values and mission.

As much as I love the church, Jesus loves it way more. Christ’s heart and plan for His body is for it to GROW! Ephesians 4:16 tells us, “From Christ the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.” There is nothing better, more fruitful or impactful, in this world than when the Church is the Church. Let’s get excited to gather on Sundays and to find times to be together during the week. Let’s engage and enjoy our conversations, Bible studies, and prayer times with brothers and sisters in Christ. Let’s look to bless others with our gifts and acts of service. Let’s keep going, growing together, and getting excited for our One Faith!


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