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The Presence Present

Then Moses said to the Lord, ‘If Your presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here.”

- Exodus 33:15

A few nights ago, I found myself awake at 1 am feeling weighed down, desperately needing the Lord to deliver peace. When I woke up the next morning not only had the heavy weight been lifted, but I received assurance when I recognized that my wrestling was based on a deep heart desire for the Presence of the Lord. In that moment I confessed that having God is what matters most in my life. This was my version of Paul’s claim in Philippians 3:8, “What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage that I may gain Christ.”

In this season which focuses on being thankful and gift giving, there is no gift that comes close to comparing to and covering you like God’s presence. A steady job, a nice home, fun activities/adventures, solid retirement plan, wonderful family/friends, even physical health, does not provide the satisfaction and security that comes from walking with Jesus. When Moses pleads for God’s presence in Exodus 33, it is not due to never seeing God move in his life before: By this point he had experienced the mighty signs in Egypt, the parting of the Red Sea, God’s glory on Mount Sinai, Manna from heaven, water from a rock, and a defeating of enemies. Moses knew that only God could rescue, lead, provide, and secure Israel to a place of freedom, promise, and victory. I love the fact that Moses was pleading with God for His daily mercies, messages, and miracles! In Exodus 15:2 he wrote the following lyrics to a victory song, “The Lord is my strength and my defense; He has become my salvation. He is my God, and I will praise Him, my Father’s God, and I will exalt Him.

Whatever has you feeling depleted, confused, worried, or tempted in this season, bring those cares to God, making it your central focus to receive His answer, hear His voice, and walk in His presence. Seek Him for the answer that you need and the battle you face. He will meet you when you call; He will move in your circumstance; He will amaze you with His love; He will not forsake you in the night; He will lead you each day of the journey. May David’s cry in Psalm 16:11 be our cry in 2021, “You will fill me with joy in Your presence.”


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