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Turning the Page

He who is the Glory of Israel does not lie or change His mind; for He is not a human being, that He should change His mind.”- 1 Samuel 15:29

There is GOOD NEWS for what you are currently GOING THROUGH. In our struggling, waiting, and desiring for change, we have a God who never changes! The other day I was speaking with a someone from the church family who shared some recent blessings and victories they were experiencing. In a moment of relief and gratitude she exclaimed, “January has already been a long year!

This individual’s story of faithfully making it through a long season and finally seeing the beautiful reminded me of a youth group hiking/camping trip in Colorado. On the first day of our expedition, we hiked for about six hours. The trail was not for the faint of heart, with many uphill ascents while carrying about a fifty-pound backpack filled with personal items and group supplies. Our arduous adventure was well worth it as we finally arrived at our first camp. The trail gave way, opening to a tranquil, picturesque lake which took our breath away (what little of it we had from the hard hiking)!

The Holy Spirit wants you to know that there will come a TURNING OF THE PAGE into a BEAUTIFUL NEW CHAPTER. It has been great to hear recent reports from folks on healings, job openings, breakthroughs with their children, and areas of spiritual growth. It has also been super beneficial to continue in prayer with those still waiting to receive an answer for their need. While some have made it to the place of open doors, others are still walking by faith towards the promise. No matter which category you find yourself presently in, we all belong to God who faithfully loves us, walks with us, and delivers us! There will be a “Turning of the Page” to your current season and struggle. Your prayers will be answered; your doors will be opened; your path will be smoothed and widened; and your victory will be coming!

And this change is possible because we have a God who never changes. In Hebrews 13:8 we have a promise of surety for every season of life, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.As we rely on a God who remains faithful, loving, and able to move mightily, we can find rest for the long and uphill journeys of life.


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