Why so I Long?
“Seek the Lord while He may be found; call on Him while He is near.”- Isaiah 55:6
After experiencing something new, amazing, better than advertised and expected, have you ever wondered to yourself, “Why did I wait so long?” I know that is how I felt after finally trying new foods like hummus and making the switch from writing checks to online bill payments. Recently, I have had a series of brand new and better than before experiences: A project at home that has made the backyard more functional; a decision with a church vendor that comes with considerable monthly savings; and replacing our twelve-year old television with a new, bigger, and smart version model (I needed that one years ago!)
Each of the things I described above required research (seeking out best options) and decision-making (going for it). When it comes to our faith in Jesus, there are areas we need to dive into that the Bible says is best for us. Consider the places that you have yet to apply to your daily living and faith walk. It could be things like regular/consistent Sunday attendance; the joyful discipline of giving financially (Tithes and Offerings); serving in an area in the church family; setting aside quiet time with God in the Word, prayer, and worship; getting baptized this Sunday 5/23* (*visit our website tofoursquare.org for more info.); abstaining from practices, attitudes, and relationships that are detrimental and damaging.
I am beyond confident that this is a can’t miss opportunity and can’t lose bet for a BETTER YOU and HAPPIER/FULLER LIFE. In Matthew 6:33 Jesus gave people a solution for the many cares/needs of life, “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.”
It’s definitely the right time for an upgrade, a new approach, and a never looking back way of doing life and faith. Make the faith decision that never disappoints! You will be 100% satisfied as you experience a peace like never before, a freedom from the many weights you carry, and a fulfillment in doing things God’s way.